Thursday, December 6, 2012

Zombie Lovers Unite!

     Welcome blog hoppers to my dark corner of the internet!
     While I have been busy with my new job, I have cooked up a special treat for all of those in need of a good dead-time story, and you can find them all here!
     Over twenty segments of zombified plots and stories to share with those of you who've come from all over the web to visit little old me!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dark Eclipse!

     The new Dark Eclipse e-zine is out and ready to be read! My monthly article this issue highlights the more likely apocalypses that can occur, a fun brain exercise I thoroughly enjoyed.
     You can find the magazine here!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Scary Elevator


     A reality TV show from Brazil does a good job scaring up some laughs from the audience with an amazing practical joke that leaves the audience in stitches and the victims in tears. The fear we've instilled in our culture of children is so ingrained that the mere presence of a child can be discomforting, let alone when one suddenly appears and disappears like this.
     Getting a good grasp of what scares and what doesn't is every horror authors job, and instilling fear through words is a difficult task at times. The readers imagination is our greatest weapon, and the best ammunition is common fears used in unique and unheard of ways, like above.