Even I like to take time every now and again and relax to a good thrillerama, especially now that I'm so often away from home now. This is where Netflix comes in; with their instant streaming option, I have the ability to watch movies wherever I am, be it from my phone or my computer. I tend to enjoy the darker horror movies, but every once in a while I like a good dark romp that is equally funny as it is terrifying. This of course requires a bit of research on my part, something that I am glad to share with those who grace my little dark hole on the internet.
I Sell The Dead is a British horror/comedy about a pair of grave robbers that have begun to literally find and sell the undead. While delightfully fresh in many regards, it goes so far as to pull cliches from the horror genre, if only to mock and make fun of. With a surprise appearance by Ron Perlman (from Hellboy) as a priest interrogating one of the grave robbers before he is to be executed, the entire movie is full of well versed characters. Have a look.