Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Post Mortem: Troll Hunter

     Troll Hunter, despite the name, is not some poorly made hokey little movie. It has a well thought out script and amazing special effects, as well as several moments where hilarity ensues, and even more suspenseful ones. Truly one of my favorite films in the last few months, this is one you can watch over and over without growing bored, though I must warn you, it is in subtitles. But so was Pan's Labyrinth and that turned out pretty amazing I think, don't you?

     As you can see by the theatrical trailer, it's an action packed ride from start to finish with questions such as "are you Christian?", where the answer could mean death by Troll or not, seeing as Trolls of all subspecies can sniff out Christians. At one point another camera person has to take the place of one who died, and is immediately asked "Are you a Christian? Do you accept Christ?" Taken aback, the woman stutters out that she's Muslim. The cast all look to the Troll Hunter, who merely shrugs and has no idea if that's a bad thing or not in this instance.

     Essentially this is a film where college kids are putting together a film for a college course and stumble across this hunter while he is taking care of some Trolls gone rogue. He helps them along the way, taking them under his wing, and shows them the trade of a professional Troll Hunter, on the governments tab. This of course isn't something his superiors like, and the end of the film is them taking the footage away from the students, but it is an amazing thrill ride the entire way, with plenty of scares and suspense.

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