Monday, December 14, 2015

Horror Books for Stocking Stuffers

paranormal, gothic horror, and fantasy books
     I've been listing "scary" gifts for you dear readers for this holiday season, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention some books for those of you looking for an extra scare this Christmas. The first book I would suggest is The Island by Clarissa Johal, a great read that keeps people on the edge of their seat. The dialogue is witty, the pacing if strong and vibrant, and the imagery is varied and realistic. The plot is worthwhile, allowing you to get sucked into the story and keep reading until you turn the last page. The link to Amazon is, of course, the image below, and it is available for kindle as well as paperback.
     The second book on my wishlist is Bleed, an anthology put together by Lori Michelle. I've been meaning to read this and have never actually gotten around to doing so. I spend most of my free time writing or reading online that I rarely, if ever, pick up a book and just read it for what it is. Bleed is especially good as it was created as a means to donate money to various charities. The link to Bleed is to the left.
     Finally, I'd like to add to the list The Haunting of Gillespie House, a fun novel about a haunted mansion in the middle of nowhere. From the reviews, one can expect vivid scenery and fully-fleshed out characters with a gripping narrative. The pacing is slower than most would enjoy, but seeing as I've read through some true bricks in my time I think I'll be able to manage. The image below is the link to where the book can be purchased for a nominal fee. Go by and take a look for yourself, and you'll see for yourself the joys that can come from a good old fashioned ghost story.

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