Thursday, September 1, 2016


     Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been taking it easy since my wife had the week off. To fill the gap I'll be posting something fun tomorrow, something a few of you may have forgotten about. I think it's time to pick up Ivan and the Hunt once more, maybe even add a little to Hung. I'll post Friday, Saturday, Sunday and then resume my normal schedule.
     In recent news, I'll be a featured author at the first annual Indie Authors Day on October 8th here in San Antonio from 11 AM to 12 PM at BiblioTech South 3505 Pleasanton Road (a local San Antonio Library). I'll bring a few books for people to take a peek in, some magazines I've been in and a list of works I will be in for the next few months. Here is the site for the national event if you are interested.
     My next novel is something I'll be posting up on Amazon on the 8th to celebrate the day, and it will be a tad, ahem, risque so this one will be for adults only. There will be fair warning, so please don't send me angry letters or e-mails.
     I've actually received one from some parents who found out their kids downloaded Dead and Proud of It. Didn't think I would have to explain that a story involving an insane vampire working for the undead mafia would be something your eight-year-old should avoid, but hey, this is America.

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